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Office, Norwich

Freehold: Offers in the region of £745,000
Leasehold: £27,860 - £74,200 per annum exclusive
Size: 2,230 to 5,935 SqFt (207 to 551 SqM)

Call Nick O'Leary on 01603 216827 or email for more details on this property
The building is situated with attractive landscaped grounds with an access way maintained by the freeholder of Bowthorpe Hall

Access to the building is through a self contained reception and entrance which leads to a ground floor open plan office fitted to a good standard and is centrally heated, lit by Cat II lighting and is partially divided by low level partitioning.

There is a further wing used as a conference suite which includes a large meeting area with adjacent staff room facilities and separate WCs.

At first floor level is a predominantly open plan office which has been partitioned on one side to create a number of small individual offices and three smaller areas suitable for meetings or shared work spaces. A lift serves both floors.

Externally, there is a gravel car park providing car parking for over 20 cars.


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Cotman House, Bowthorpe Hall, Norwich, Norfolk, Norwich, NR5 9AA

Freehold: Offers in the region of £745,000
Leasehold: £27,860 - £74,200 per annum exclusive

Size: 2,230 to 5,935 SqFt (207 to 551 SqM)

Arnolds Keys

Nick O'Leary
01603 216827

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